Welcome To A New Type Of Charity

The Truth About Funded FX Accounts

Walter Dillard is an Experienced Trust Fund Manager And Shared His Experiences Which Shines The Light On Funded Accounts And The Dirty Edge That Prop Firms Operate With..

Learn About Crypto Arbitrage Scams and the RISE investigation

Crypto arbitrage scams are nothing new, these scams are becoming more popular and they aim their scam at rookie crypto enthusiasts.

CALA AI, TamerAI, DATA AI, XMAI, IEarnBot all ran off with client funds now AAS and ROBOT Wallet will do the same. 

Read our article.....


Do MetaQuotes Profit From Illegal Brokers?

Read out article in relation to MetaQuotes. We ask the hard hitting questions, are MetaQuotes profiting directly from illegal funds? Read our opinion.

RISE-CVF To Propose Changes To The Financial Services and Markets Act

Join The Online Petition

Changing UK law is never easy, but with the amount of people we have coming forward to use our services we have today decided to look into the logistics of proposing changes to UK law.

The changes we propose is that the FSMA now includes all Fin-Tech companies that give access to brokerage and market services. In this reform companies such as MetaQuotes will no longer be able to freely offer services inside the UK unless they meet the safety consumer standards set out in the FSMA.

Big change starts with small steps and we will be asking all our supporters to sign a petition once we have detailed the exact changes we are proposing to make. 



Fraud Victim Support

We aim to support victims through the difficult time after a fraud has occurred, fraud has a devastating effect on life leaving victims penniless. 

If you have been scammed, time is critical, please don't hesitate to contact us now and find out how we can help you......


Changing Crypto

With frauds happening on a daily basis its time to change crypto for the better, our charity will be the voice the starts the conversation to make crypto safe.

Ethical Compliance.

Ethical compliance is a process whereby DAOs, platforms and Fin-tech companies implements stringent company policies in the interest of keeping people safe from investment fraud.


Fraud Expertise

Due to the work we continue to do in the anti-fraud communities, RISE has the personnel qualified to quickly determine frauds and scam crypto platforms, as well as first hand experience dealing with the devs and agents that peddle the fraud platforms. 

RISE will sponsor and create a fraud accreditation. We will also spearhead campaigns to keep people safe from fraudsters.

Our Activities....

Exposing Scams

RISE has been an active member of the anti-fraud community. 

Before RISE was fully established, our members have actively exposed, scams directly to the scammers, calling scammers out in there own Telegram groups.

Creating A Safety Standard

The Four Pillars

"The Four Pillars" is a standard RISE have adopted to educate others in how to keep themselves safe from the many crypto scams out there. To frauds using MT4, arbitrage, mining scams, scam token. We have developed expertise in each and we have the tools to make the determination when a fraud is a fraud.

Chartable Events

Our funding will be done in two strategies. Events and NFT sales. While we the NFT market place is developed, localised funding will begin.

Sponsored Walk

June 2023

Our first charitable event will start with a 10K sponsored walk, details to be confirmed.

Due personal reasons, the sponsored walk has been delayed until June 2023

Crypto key Wallet Raffle

June 2023

Our fiends at our sister company HLT Ltd have donated a crypto key for the purpose of a raffle.

RISE - The NFT Series


Our special NFT series is coming soon. Our NFT series will potentially reshape NFT's forever.


Contact us

Telephone: +447368425080

E-mail: support@rise-cvf.com

Address: Floats Mill 

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