RISE Initiated Contact With Google To Request MT4/MT5 Removal

Following the removal of MT4 and MT5 on the Apple app store, in the interest of public safety, RISE has contacted Google to do follow suit and do the same.

RISE has provided Google with redacted evidence from the various victims that we are supporting after having their lives turned upside down by scams. 

RISE has prompted Google to take a look at how fraudsters are targeting victims and encouraging them to trade using MT/4 and MT/5 because MetaQuotes is the only platform that can be used by illegal brokers.

Shockingly, many of the victims that contact us have never traded before and using various methods such as romance scams, social engineering and text book manipulation techniques, our clients have been persuaded to part with large sums of money as the scammers can create fake trading accounts, fake trades fake deposits and fake profits, all using MT/4 and MT/5 in the interest of making victims believe their profits are real. Google have now been informed of this information and has also been sent similar articles from Forbes and other credible sources. 

MetaQuotes continues to ignore claims sent directly to them. Recently, HLT, our sister company, raised the a scam to a MetaQuotes employee via WhatsApp who requested that the claim be sent via email which was promptly done. 

Not at anytime since has MetaQuotes even acknowledged the email and attempted to make contact with HLT or any of the victims we support. After a follow up whatsapp conversation, Helena Cypress then blocked the users account. HLT then made contact via another phone only to be ignored further. This information has also been sent to google which depicts exactly the type of company we are dealing with here. 

It is clear that MetaQuotes do not operate with any professionalism and since MetaQuotes have decided not to talk to HLT, it appears that legal action is now being formulated as the only option.  

RISE, will now follow our solicitors advise and no longer publish any articles that will give indication of legal strategy. Suffice to say that, HLT our sister company are pursing the possibility that MetaQuotes may have profited directly from the money that has been stolen from individuals and a court date has been set to hear the first the claim to secure the first court order that will allow HLT to gain access to the cash-out accounts that were used in the scam. When the "cash-out" account has been secured. HLT will then apply for further court orders and ask for a further order to secure all transactional information of this account and any linked business accounts, should this evidence show that MetaQuotes subscription has been paid from illicit funds. 

Once this has been proven, this evidence will have dire consequences for the Russian company MetaQuotes.

At RISE we have a different legal approach due to the sheer amount of consumers that have been scammed, but we will maintain our legal complicity and not publish any material at this time.