Our Priorities

Priority One
Victim Support

The charity has a chief function to help and assist victims of financial investment fraud. Currently victims have no outlet and no funds to legally attempt to recover funds. 

The charity will also offer a service that will emotionally support each victim, firstly by offering financial support to meeting living expenses if required, provided the qualifying criteria has been met. 

The charity will then use legal teams to legally pursue court orders to freeze wallets on the exchanges that have been involved in
fraud, by the same process, the court order will also allow us to reveal any account numbers so that funds can eventually be recovered. 

Similarly, legal means can be used to freeze bank accounts of linked businesses.

RISE will offer this solution for those victims who have had their lives utterly ruined by these ruthless criminals.

Priority Two
Raising Awareness

RISE will raise awareness of Crypto scams across various media. The HLT platform website has already been active in offering training material and have exposed many crypto scams on social media. 

HLT Ltd have also been very active in the anti-fraud communities, liaising and creating networks to help and expose illegal platforms. HLT Ltd have also reported many of the platforms to the correct authorities and have liaised with Crypto exchanges fact checking claims of suspect platforms. 

HLT Ltd have been very successful in enabling the largest exchanges to be liaised in relation to suspect these suspect platforms, this includes Coinbase, Gemini and OKX are just some of the platforms HLT have liaised with recently.

When RISE is properly established, RISE will pick up this function so that HLT Ltd becomes a
regulated trading business.

HLT Ltd have also created training material to raise awareness and train people on what to look out for and how to keep safe online. When the charity is officially setup, RISE will take responsibility for this work. HLT Ltd have become experts in crypto frauds and blockchain security and the therefore RISE will sponsor an accredited crypto fraud qualification aimed at the consumer level.

Priority Three

RISE will offer a shielding service as the RISE brand becomes synonymous with project safety. Genuine legitimate platforms can carry the RISE shield as a type of charter mark quality standard, something currently missing in the investment industry.  RISE will check projects and ensure crypto platforms has been properly audited and has a valid KYC and also check the project wallet smart contract is public and contains no malicious code that can reverse crypto wallets to steal funds. 

The RISE shield will therefore act as a project assurance badge and classify a project as safe.
This will be a paid service to increase funding ability.

When the RISE brand shield is evident on a platform, a user can feel satisfied that RISE has check the audit report, KYC information, website registration is truthful. 


Priority Four
Lobbying Regulation and ethical compliance.

To lobby regulators and assist top tier jurisdictional regulators to find ways to regulate crypto in the interest of keeping people safe. HLT Ltd have conceptually developed new portals that exchanges
could use to ensure new customers have access to the information about crypto scams, highlighting the risks and what to look out for using the HLT Ltd training material which will all be transferred to the RISE brand when the charity is setup.

The new crypto investor gateway is just one concept that we think could work well when new customer account setup is being applied for. During the account setup process, we want exchanges to give a user an option to complete the gateway now. This feature will then provide the user with the 4 pillars of project safety, and will ask 4 randomised questions based on the material they have read. Once this has been passed, the user can then have full access to his account up to the

However, if a user doesn’t complete the gateway, the account will be limited in the interest of customer safety. Alternatively, a new investor can complete the gateway and obtain a gateway number which can be used on account application. This is just one concept being developed at HLT Ltd.

Many new scam fintech apps are being developed each month, many appear on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. As the charity grows in stature, we need to open a dialogue with both companies about putting in place the correct compliance requirements to ensure no harmful apps appear on their app stores. Whilst we have less control over the web, we can here cut off one of the fraudsters main sources of how apps are being used to scam people.

Priority Five
Anti-scam accreditation.

HLT Ltd have already been in touch with the CPD (continuous personal development) to discuss the possibility of RISE sponsoring an official CPD accreditation that will educate people in relation to investment scams.

Recently, HLT Ltd founder Gareth Hatton has given input into CIPD crypto fraud compliance courses, and we are liaising with a number of course creators to make this a reality.

Priority Five
Anti-scam accreditation.

HLT Ltd have already been in touch with the CPD (continuous personal development) to discuss the possibility of RISE sponsoring an official CPD accreditation that will educate people in relation to investment scams.

Recently, HLT Ltd founder Gareth Hatton has given input into CIPD crypto fraud compliance courses, and we are liaising with a number of course creators to make this a reality.

Priority Six
UK First, Then The World

UK victims is the charities first concern, but the US and Africa also have a lot of victims as these criminals pray on people that are new to crypto. It is therefore imperative that RISE can become a global entity as soon as possible.


Priority Seven
RISE Campaigns

As RISE develops and gains popularity, we will begin campaigns to using slogans. Using various outlets on social media. RISE will start two campaigns to start with.

RISE - Keeps you safe online.
This campaign will draw people to our training material which will be under the RISE brand. We want to help people learn about some simple checks they can use to spot these scams.

RISE - Says no to scammers.
We have started asking our partners in the anti-fraud communities to create a centralised register of
all of the fraudulent platforms that we find. Our community has been exposing scams and fraud platforms, but we estimate we get less than 1 percent. The antifraud community is a great place of where a mixture of people who have advanced experience in web3 applications can cross pollinate our skills. We are therefore extremely advanced in our deep knowledge of blockchain security, NFT’s and spotting scam platforms and the inventive tactics these scammers continue to employ. In the rare occasion we are incorrect about a platform, (due to our experience this hasn’t happened yet) Then we will ask the project owners and developers to KYC themselves conform the standard of the four pillar standards.

KYC – (Know your customer) A standard method in the investment world whereby an individual can prove their identity. This has to be from a reputable outlet trusted KYC outlet.

Valid Audit - From a reputable outlet as we have found audit companies now too, who give scam platforms a fake certificate.
Public Wallet – Having a public wallet allows an investor to check the wallet to ensure there are no malicious code and is safe to connect to. Scam tokens will employ honeypot codes to skim profits to different wallets or employ smart contracts to wallets and drain their funds.

Company Registration – In the UK a legitimate company registers at company’s house. A
legitimate platform should have a company registration form the company’s country of origin.

This is just one of many campaigns we will use over the coming weeks and months as we set out on our mission to make Crypto safe.

Priority Eight
RISE Campaigns

RISEN Initiatives

Art Initiative 

RISE will sponsor various artists from diverse backgrounds and pay for tuition in various digital art and art educational vehicles. We will then allow the RISEN artists to publish on a new platform free of charge, RISE will foster the understanding with artists that any artwork published using the RISE free publication vehicle will be eligible for a modest charity donation when the artwork reaches a profitable level. 

The RISEN initiative will be the flagship initiative, as we want to find artists within the UK and eventually the world and give them the opportunity for the world to see their artwork.  The RISEN initiative will also have access to the Metaverse RISE gallery, where artists can participate in displaying their artwork in the VR world as well as potentially selling their artwork as NFT digital artworks. We will also offer the opportunities for non-digital artists to similarly convert their artwork into a digital version.

We want to create an environment where artists can hone and enhance their abilities The scope of this is to enable young talent that would not normally have the opportunity due to economic situations. The initiative will be an opportunity to digital artists to attain professional qualifications in both the digital and non-digital art sectors.

The RISE Metaverse Gallery will also have an exclusive wing. This area of the gallery will be called “Under the Wing” Entrants into this exclusive art display room will pass under Esri’s wings through an archway to the room. None RISEN initiates can pay for their artwork to be included in this room, which can then be monetised by any virtual viewers to the gallery. Any art sales can be processed by paying an agreed gallery fee. All proceeds from this venture will go towards the charity.

At given intervals, RISE will select three Risen initiates to display their work in the exclusive wing. Artists that make any sales whilst housed in this exclusive virtual wing are allowed to keep all profits. 

WEB3 Initiative

The second RISEN Initiative will again be educational to sponsor and create opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to gain qualifications in the world of web3. This can be anything from blockchain security qualifications to coding platforms.